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Good Saturday Morning family.

Eph. 6:13 tells us---"Put on the full armor of God, so when the day of evil comes, you will be able to stand your ground."

We all face challenges and difficult times. It is in times of difficulties that we grow and become stronger. It is also an opportunity to allow God's word to be seen in you and come alive in your life and see you through to victory.

God uses the challenges in our lives to stretch you and enlarge your vision.

So what are we to do during the times of adversity? Here is a quick answer---Stay Faithful to God, and His Word. Make up your mind that you will not shift and coward away from the situation but continue to just serve God as you did before the challenge came your way. 

God will not waste anything you go through in life. There is a lesson and purpose in it, even if it is difficult. Much of the challenge is to prepare you for the next level in your life. Simply remain faithful and fight through. In God's appointed time, He will promote you to levels that you may not see at present, but God is preparing you for them.

Your challenges are not too difficult for God to handle; the question is are you willing to stand firm against them and honor God in spite of them.

List your challenges that you may be going through even right now. They have not been put in your path to hurt you. Therefore, allow them to do the work in you that they were put there for. 

You will grow in faith and in counsel to others as you gain victory over all that comes your way.

Much love,

Pastor G

***Read 2 Cor. 4:17-18 and Job 1-2