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Great Saturday Morning to you all.

I am heading out to the Church Picnic as you are reading this. Finish reading and then come join us.

Questions---Do you remember the days of showing respect to one another? I do. Where did they go?

Well, it is still around---you just cannot see it as clearly as before. But it is time to re-introduce it back to our kids, grandkids and even ourselves.

1 Peter 2:17 says, "Show proper respect to everyone"

Scripture is clear on how we are to treat each other.

Honor parents.

Wives respect their husbands.

Respect authority.

Respect church leadership. That list goes on and on.

Here's another question that ties in with this one. --- Why should I respect another?

Finish reading this, it gets better.


#1- God made everyone. (Ps. 8:5)

God does not make JUNK! No one is worthless. They could be a pain in the neck, but not worthless. You may not place value on people but God does. That's what matters. When you show respect to someone, you show them their value as God's creation.

#2- Jesus died for them.

Jesus paid a great price for you and others. Don't cheapen it by dis-repspecting others that He died for.

#3- It shows you know God.

God is love. Since you know God, you will fill your life with love. If you don't. GUESS WHAT---You really do not know God! Scripture is clear on that. Don't fool yourself. Love always treats people with respect. (1 John 4:8)

#4- You'll  get back whatever you give out.

It's a law of HARVEST. What you plant you will reap back. Even more than you give.

Gal. 6:7---read it .

*** When you learn to love others, you become eager to show respect for one another.

Romans 12:10

Much love,

Pastor G

***For tomorrow---Read again Romans 6-8