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Good Saturday morning,

Well, All the kids are back to school.

I would like to share a thought or 2 about our role in partnering with our kids. We all want to be good parents and build strong families. Love is obviously a foundation for that to happen. 

More than ever children today need unwavering and unconditional love to be shown by parents. There is YOUR JOB!!! ---not the teacher, not the preacher, but yours. Others come along and share a little bit.

So, show much compassion to each of your children, like never before.

Let me share with you 3 ways to show this to your kids.

#1- Affection:

Children need hugs and kisses, high 5's and pats on the backs. They need to feel your love, not just hear it.

#2- Affirmation:

Affirm them every day. Proud of you, you are the best, You can handle this challenge. Let them know you believe in them.

#3- Attention:

Give them all they need. Listen to them when they talk to you. Give them your attention fully. That let them---you are important to me, you matter, I want to hear what you have to say.

All those 3 items are foundational to your child's development. As a parent, you have it in you to GIVE IT!!!!

***By the way, that goes for all the GRANDPARENTS reading this blog. 

***** Tomorrow morning in our worship service we will be calling all our children going to school and college along with all the teachers to come to the altar to pray for them. So, parents and grandparents bring your children to church and let's begin the school year right.

Much love,

Pastor G