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Good Saturday morning to all.

In our Connect Group we've been looking at GROWTH. Our goal is to grow stronger and closer to the Lord.

One of the things we must have in our lives is to have "CONVICTIONS". In order to have convictions that are in line with God, you must know the Word of God.

Let me give you a few scripture to think about:

Deut. 5:29 says, "Oh, that they would also have a heart for me, wanting to obey my commandments.

A conviction is a belief that shapes your behavior. It's something that you believe in so strongly that it determines the way you live your life.

Opinions may change, but not convictions.

We need to be careful on how our convictions are established. The best way is to establish them on what God's Word says. You will never go wrong doing that.

Hebrews say in 5:14, "Solid food is for the mature, who by constant use have trained themselves to distinguish good from evil."

Have you been feasting on the word of God or everything and anything. Be careful, that will lead you astray and confused.

Stay in the word for your convictions and you'll have great values.

Others will see your convictions in actions and may desire the same convictions as you have.

Much love,

Pastor G

See you all tomorrow.