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Good Saturday morning,

I would like for you to read Acts 27. 

We live in a culture of loud opinions from many. We often wonder who do I trust with what they say?

With election day coming near we are all hearing all kinds of things being said. So, who is right and who is wrong?

Well, based on our foundation as believers who love and want to honor God that could become difficult to figure out if we are not founded on the Word of God. Even as Christian we could differ. So how do we decide who is the one I should give a listening ear to. 

I just have one thought to ask you to consider. Here it is!!!

Whether it is in politics or the pulpit or at work or even in a family discussion ---- who is saying what is the closest to what the Word of God says. If you would stick to the Word you and I would be further ahead. 

Scripture says "Heaven and Earth shall pass away but my word will never pass away."

Once again read Acts 27 for the word of God for tomorrow. 

Much love

Pastor G