Good Saturday morning to you all.
Well, just one more month and in comes 2025, Lord willing.
I trust you had a great Thanksgiving.
I was thinking the other day how blessed my life is. I am so grateful for all those who have touched my life. They have left a handprint on my life.---getting me to think about something. That's what I want to share with you this morning.
One of the many beautiful things that God gives us in our Christian walk is allowing us to make relationships with others. In most cases they add so much value to us. In fact, in most cases we are where we are in life both secular and spiritual because of the relationships we have made.
To keep those relationships healthy we need to be wise in how we treat each other. Otherwise we will have less friends. That's a fact of life.
Prov. 20:3 says, "Any fool can start an argument; the honorable thing is to stay out of them."
Wise people are peacemakers. Wise people do not hold a grudge. Wise people forgive QUICKLY, no matter what someone else has done to us. (How are you doing so far?)
Are you acting wise or foolish. Either way you will receive the blessing or receive the consequences of that action and attitude
Here are a few things to examine in your life as you build relationships with others at church, at work, in your neighborhood, etc.
1- Don't compare one friend over another.
They are all different. Comparing antagonizes anger.
2- Don't condemn
Lay OFF the guilt trips when they do something silly or foolish. Talk about it, YES, but never condemn.
3-Don't be Contradicting
"Some" things you just need to overlook.
Prov. 14:29 says, "A wise man controls his temper. He knows that anger causes mistakes."
We've all said things out of anger, usually not ending up very good. Learn from that.
So, here is my 2 cents worth of counsel to all of us---
Control your anger, stay out of arguments, and the people you have a relationship with will be glad you did---and so will you.
Pastor G
***DON'T FORGET: This Friday night Dec. 6th we will be having our
Pastor Kelvin Wynn will be our speaker, plus a lot of specials followed with fellowship and refreshments.
For tomorrow morning read Luke 17:11-19