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Good Saturday morning to you all.


Were you with us on Tuesday night---New year's Eve? What a night of fun, laughs and great fellowship.

So, how have the first 4 days of 2025 gone for you? 

I had a quick thought for you to think about for this first week. 

If you ever moved out of an apartment or house and into a new one, you probably left some things behind. I know I did when I moved my family in 1998. What did I leave behind? Well, not to be specific, but I left behind a lot of JUNK. Things that I didn't want, things of no value, things that were old and worn. Things I knew were not of any value to me or my family.

When I did that, it made room for other things, OH not junk, but things I wanted to put into my new house. My house was not big enough for both. I had to make a choice. I made the right choice. I have no junk in my house. Only things that I value and are good for me and my family.

HERE IS THE THOUGHT FOR 2025--- What did you carry into the new year that was of no value to you? I am not talking about material things, but spiritual, moral things. 

Did you leave behind things like, unforgiveness, bitterness, envy, how about that pride that was eating away at you in 2024? You know that list can go on forever.

Have you left behind the hurt of someone, the pain of a failed relationship? The times you messed up with God.

Well, here is my humble thought---- Leave it in 2024. Deal with it YES, but quickly and completely.

You see, God has something greater for you in 2025--But if you have too much baggage in your life, you can't carry what God has for you. SO LET IT GO (louie) and pick up what God has for you.

It is sweeter, and lighter than what you have been carrying.

Much more love in 2025.

Pastor G

**Don't forget: This week starts a week of prayer. Nightly at 7:00pm.

For tomorrow, open up and read the story of RUTH in the Old Testament and cap it off with Eph. 3 20-21