Good Saturday morning to you.
*We are getting some great reports from India and our team there. Praying for you. Keep up the great work you are all doing.
I was thinking about what 2025 will end up as. What will we look back at on December 31st, 2025 and say about the entire year.
Bringing me to share this with you today.---
What is your VISION for 2025?
I am talking about---
*what is your vision for your family, your job, your health, your ministry, and your purpose?
That list can go on and on.
God puts visions in our lives with purpose connected with it. We were created with a purpose to accomplish in our lives, for your benefit and the benefit of others and for the KINGDOM of GOD.
Sometimes things get a little rough, but that's OK, just get through those challenges and continue moving forward to your goal.
Proverbs tells us in 29:18....Where there is no vision, people perish.
So, let me share a few thoughts on how to get back on track to regain what God gave you.
#1- Trust God to change your situation.
Distractions in our lives often cause us to lose sight of what God put in our hearts.
Regain your hope so you can regain your vision. You do that by believing God can and will change your situation.
#2- Put aside all the negative voices.
One of life's great fears is the disapproval of others. Don't get caught up in that cycle of confusion. Ignore the NAYSAYERS in your path. If you don't you will accomplish very little in life.
#3-Follow the instructions that God gave you to do.
If that vision is from God, then He gave you some direction and instruction---obey what He said.
To do that, you may need to dismiss other things in your life and go contrary to God's directions.
Stick to what God has said. Don't quit, and you will see it unfold in your life.
Pastor G
Read 1 John 3 for tomorrow's message.