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Great Saturday morning to you all.

1 Peter 4:10 tells us "each of you as a good manager must use the gifts that God has given you to serve others."

Our gifts given to us by God are there for the benefits of others. 

Now, no one is good at everything. You need me and I need you. God designed it that way.

No one can say---I don't need anybody else but me. We need each other. We accomplish more things together than apart. That is one of the reasons for marriage. In marriage, we are put together to complement each other's strengths and compensate for each other's weaknesses. 

Even at your job, you need the one who is working alongside you to accomplish the goal at hand. That ought to be the mindset.

In the church body, God has given us different gifts to fulfill His purpose in our lives and for the Kingdom of God. Our gifts and talents are different but equal because they come from God. There is no room for jealousy and pride to set in. God is the giver of what we have. He can easily take it away and give it to someone else. Look at the story in scripture about the Talents.

So, have you used your gifts? Do you use them joyfully or with murmuring and complaints? Just a thought for you to lookover. Gifts are needed to  allow His church to run smoothly. We all have a responsibility to function properly in the body. Celebrating each other's gift for God's honor and glory.

If you haven't started yet, TODAY is the DAY. There are rewards for the faithful, and consequences for those that are not. God knows exactly what to gift you with and He expects you to fulfill and operate in those gifts. And I know you want to and will. Blessings to you as you exercise all your gifts.

Much love,

Pastor G

Read Matt. 10:29-31 and Luke 4:1-13