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Good Saturday Morning Church Family,

Ecc. 6:9 says--"It is better to be satisfied with what you have than to be always wanting something else." (Our kids and grandkids would never accept that logic)

There are many signs of maturity in the christians life. One of them is being grateful and not complaining. The Israelites walked in the wilderness an extra 40 years for that attitude.

Let's remember that all we have comes from God.

When we live with envy we say things like:

1- I deserve better.

2- Why them and not me.

3- I never get a break.

Gratitude sounds like this:

...Why me? Why do I get to drink clean water? Why do I have more than enough food, when much of the world is starving?

By our very nature, no one is content. It is not natural to be content. Our sin nature tells us---you want more and deserve more. We buy into this mindset.

But contentment says Thank you for what I have. THAT'S MATURITY!!!

Ever notice how babies are not content? See that's their nature. They are never satisfied. They want more.

Let me make it clear---Desire and ambition is good. We should all have desire and ambition to do more, work better, and achieve the goal set. Those are God placed.

Envy is resenting other people who have something already and believing the lie that says---You cannot be happy unless you have it too.

So here is my point to you--learn to be grateful for who you are and what you's a gift from God!!!

Much love,

Pastor G

***For tomorrow along with Matt. 5:13, read Matt. 18:18-20 and 2 Tim. 3:16-17