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Great Saturday morning to you,

Spring is right at our doorstep. Warning!!!! Don't get antsy and think about planting yet. May is the month to start thinking that way! (just a helpful thought to you gardeners)


Being raised in the church all my life, we were taught many things that I now don't agree with. Not Biblical precept but functions.

One was, when you go to church be very very quiet. They said it was a sign of respect. OK, I guess. HOWEVER--One of the things I love about going to church is that before service starts it gets LOUD, and I love it. It is a sign of many things.... Life, Excitement. Seeing people you love and haven't seen in a week or so. I have never seen that in a supermarket. People don't laugh, hug and talk loud, but they do at church, or at least at our church. There is a time to quiet down but in the beginning it gets loud. So, what is my point to you?

My point is, you are a part of a family, you are never alone.---

Look at Romans 12:5, "Christ makes us one body and individuals who are connected to each other."

Write this down:

"The church is not a building we go to or an event to attend, but a family we belong to."

The church is not only to help you direct your life towards God, but it also helps you CONNECT with other believers.

God did not put us here to live an isolated life while on earth.

We are to love others and engage in the family of God (church).

When you became a lover of Jesus, he put you into a family of other believers. By the way---they are not perfect just because they love Jesus, they are still human beings. Have mercy on them.

So, it is vital that you find a way to connect with the church family. Sunday mornings and Wednesday night are not enough. Because time is limited, very little fellowship happens. So, why not get a little more involved in ministry? Why not invite someone over to your house for coffee and get to know them a little bit better?

We were created to be "social beings" you will socialize with others. Question is, are they the best ones who help you grow Godward? If not, look around at church and maybe you will find others that may be looking for the same thing you want for you and your family.

Much love,
Looking forward to seeing you tomorrow.
Pastor G

Re-read the story of the Prodigal son as we look at the 2nd item the father gives his son on his return home.

Luke 15:11-24