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Good Saturday morning to ya,

If you were not able to join us this past Wednesday evening for our first Connect Group meeting, I would love to invite you. We all had a great time and the comments were great from those attending. We also have full children and youth ministry going on at the same time.

We just started our new series on Sunday AM service on "BE SALT" from Matt. 5:13.

We will continue that series this Sunday (part 2).

Those of you not in Rochester, we love for you to join us via STREAMING. Make a comment to us.

What I want to share with you this morning ties in with our message tomorrow.

Prov. 3:27 says, "Do not hold back goods from those who deserve when it is in your power to help them."

One of the things you can be sure of is that there are and will be people this year who will have needs that you can help with.

You will find that God will give us an opportunity to show kindness to others around you. As He does, I believe He is watching us to see how we react to the person and the need.

*Will we be self-centered or reach out and help? Sometimes it may just be a word of encouragement, sometimes a little bit more. Either way how we respond, says much about us.

You won't always have an opportunity to help, so when you do---make it count, for that person and even for you.

If we are going to do good in this life, now is the time, and God has chosen YOU and ME.

Don't use the phrase---well someday I will. No, do it when the need is present. I love what Ecc. 11:4 says, "If you wait for the perfect condition, you will never get anything done."

So, the opportunities will be there ---what are we going to do with that?

Let me know what God puts before you and how you responded.

Much love,

Pastor G

***For tomorrow---Matt. 5:13 and Luke 10:30-37