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Good Saturday morning church family,

Quick question---

*what did you have for breakfast this morning?

*what did you have for dinner last night?

What is that all about? Well, I want you to have a healthy body. With that thought out there---What did you feed your faith yesterday, and the day before and so on? See, I want all of us to have victory in our "Faith-life". 

1 John 5:4 says ---"for everyone born of God overcome the world. This is our VICTORY that has overcome the world, even our Faith.

...As a child of God, you have been given power to overcome the world, sin and all its demons.

We know by now that---Faith comes by hearing and hearing the Word of God. As you read and hear the word, you give strength to your inner man. When the enemy attacks you with sickness, fear, worry, and so forth, the word that you have eaten will strengthen to victory over the things he throws at you.

So, put away the spiritual junk food that will give you a sense of being filled and dig into God's word. Eat up so you can be filled up and be strong. 

That will take time, discipline and consistency, which we all have an abundance of. Use your time wisely and you will be full.


Much love,
Pastor G

***For tomorrow:  Bring your Bibles and notebooks. Read and memorize Romans 8:28

***Also wear your Ethnic Attire!!!