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Good Saturday morning,

Happy Father's Day to all our dads.

I want to focus a little bit on our dads this morning. The principles will overlap to all who read this blog.

As I see it, it seems to me that the role of the modern dad has somewhat changed. Not that I personally am in agreement with it, but it seems obvious that some things have changed. Maybe that is one of the reasons we as a nation have some major challenges today with our children and each other.

I want to share some principles that must never change regardless of what generation we are in.

For us as believers in Christ Jesus we must maintain values. Values must not change.

Here are a few of them. Let me know what you think.

#1- The value of Responsibility

Responsibility is foundational to manhood. I am talking about being responsible for your actions. Balancing out all the things in your life that are important, such as: Family, Work, Church related items, personal growth. That list could go on and on. Maybe there is one of those that need some work on. 

#2- The value of Integrity

Integrity is priceless and timeless. It is doing the right thing ALL THE TIME!!!

In your business, in your relationships, keeping your word, etc. 

#3- The value of Family

Outside of God, your family MUST, I repeat MUST be at the center of your heart. You are the man. If it is not, get it right. YOU have a problem in most cases when your family is out of order. 

I mean no disrespect with that comment, but God put that on us as men!

That value remains relevant today. Please don't miss that truth. Do something to keep your family intact.

----one more,

#4- The value of Honor

Honor dealing with living a life of ethics and principles that do not change. When you have honor in your life, you will receive respect and dignity. That means that you stand up for what is right, even if you are alone. Daniel did, the 3 Hebrew children did, Joseph did. Guess what, we are still talking about them thousands of years later, WOW. What will others say of us, in years to come. What will our wives and children say of us?

Well enough for our dads. You are the best, continue to be the examples that our families need to see.

Much love to you,

Pastor G

For tomorrow---1 Chron . 7