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Good morning church family.

It is HOT out there. By the way, it is NOT global warming it is called SUMMER!!!!

Hey, how have you dealt with God's timing in your life?

How often have you said, I wish God would move a little faster than He does? I am sure we have all been there.

Is. 55:8-9 tells us in essence that "God's ways and thoughts are not our ways and thoughts"

An indication of knowing God is to trust His timing for us in the situation we are in. That may often go against what we think. That doesn't make us bad, it just makes us impatient. One of the fruit of the spirit is "PATIENCE". Yes, it can be very frustrating to us, but know this---God knows and does BEST. Ps. 31:15 says, "My time is in your hands" Is yours?

God is working things out in our lives for our good. Could it be that if he gave us what we want, when we want, that it may not be the best for us?

Getting angry and frustrated will not bring it to pass quicker. Truth is when we move forward at the wrong time, we often regret it later.

--- buying something at the wrong time---may cost you

--- getting into a relationship too soon without knowing all the important issues about that person you say you cannot live without may cost you much heartache.

--- quitting a job before finding a new one, may prove hurtful.

Much of the pain that we go through in life is often because we move too fast and too soon. 

Scripture says, There is wisdom in much counsel? Have you received any counsel (from the right people) before making a major decision?

***Some may being saying---it is my life and I will do as I please. Yes, you have that option. JUST REMEMBER THERE ARE ALWAYS CONSEQUENCES IN THE DECISIONS WE MAKE.

I leave you with---God loves us, He wants what is best for his children, just like we do for our own. Be patient, get counsel and enjoy the best result.

Much love,

Pastor G

For tomorrow---read Gen. 1:14 and Ps. 37:23

***Beginning July 3rd we will be having Wednesday Night Bible Study outside under the TENT.

We will be having different speakers teaching the word of God, 7:00pm-8:30pm