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Great Saturday morning to you all.

The Bible says to us that the PROMISES of God are Yes and Amen. In other words---if God promises them in His word they will come to  pass. SO---why haven't some of those promises come to pass in our lives? That's a fair question. One simple answer is God is still working on you and me. But there is a more difficult answer that most of us do not like---HERE IT IS!!!

Found in Deut. 5:33---"Follow all the directions the Lord your God has given you, Life will go well with you."

So, here is the KEY that you already know. LEARN to OBEY!!!!

I am not going to give you a lot of dialogue, just a few verses to read and even memorize.
*God blesses those who obey Him." Prov. 16:20
*He saves those who obey Him." Ps. 7:10
*The Lord takes care of those who obey Him." Ps. 37:18
*The Lord watches over those who obey Him." Ps. 37:18
*The Lord gives us what we ask when we obey Him." 1 John 3:22
*Always obey the Lord, and you will be happy." Prov. 28:14
*Keep God's law and you will live longer." Prov. 19:16

*Those who obey him will have all they need." Ps. 34:9-10

I want all of us as His children to enjoy the promises of God. But did you catch the key word?

Go ahead, say it loud, say it again. One more time. OBEY!!!

Give that command a 30 day trial and see what happens. Let me know.

Much love,

Pastor G

*For tomorrow, read Is. 43: 1-2

***Don't forget---This Wednesday night we start our Summer Session under the Tent. It is for the entire family.