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Good Saturday morning church family,

I trust you had a great July 4th celebration!!! This celebration is somewhat about being "Set free".

We all go through struggles in life. It has little to do with how spiritual you are or not. It is just a part of living.

So, how do we remain as "FREE" as we possibly could here in our lives. To a degree the battle to overcome always begins in the MIND. If you are worrying, Stressed out, depressed, it is because you are thinking about things that are not true.

READ 2 Cor. 10:4-5 a couple times. Understand those verses, because they are key to being: set free and remaining free.

It is not our flesh that we fight, it is really our minds and what Satan is trying to do to our minds. He tries to plant his thoughts in our mind so completely that we think they are our thoughts. We then begin to act on those thoughts.

Now, know this, you are not responsible for every thought that comes into your mind. But you are responsible for how you act on them. That is why we are to take captive every thought to the obedience of Christ. (2 Cor. 10:5)

When a thought comes in to lure you into worry, depression, doubt, shame, guilt, you have 2 choices. You can reject them or you can adopt them and make them yours. When you reject them based on who Christ is, you free yourself and you get focused on the things of the Spirit. And when you set your mind on the spirit you have peace, joy and meaningful living.

So, as you move forward in life, set your mind on the things of the Spirit and your mind on the things above and you will be free.

Much love,

Pastor G

For tomorrow read Luke 15

Also, don't forget next Saturday---Evangelism at Charlotte beach.