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Good Saturday Morning to you.

I have been reading the book of Romans lately. Great book. Take some time and read it.

Many of you who read this blog are actively involved in serving the Lord even in the local church. By the way, that is Great. Continue to do so. There so many benefits in serving. 

Here is a question I have for all of us who serve---Do we serve out of design or is it out of duty?

Think about that and honestly answer that for yourself. It is a serious issue to address. Why do I do what I do? Is it really for the Lord? Is it to bless and help others? Or is it because I am expected to do it? If I don't, the Pastor will be upset with me. Those are some of the thoughts that may pop in our mind. We still need to answer the question: why do  I serve.

I share just a few thoughts that I have after many years of Pastoring:

1- We serve because there is a need. 

God in His wisdom has given each of us gifts, talents, abilities. Those are given to us so we can fulfill God's will on earth. God knows people have needs and he places a desire or even a thought in us that says, I could help others. And when we do serve it is with joy not, complaining wondering---why me? 

     ***A little pause here: The greatest thing in life towards others is to serve them. Is that not the purpose why Jesus came to earth? Matt. 20:28 says; "The son of man came to serve and not be served and give his life as a ransom."

2nd- WE SERVE---as a response to what God has done for me.

Think about this---when someone does you good, there is something inside us that says, "GIVE BACK"

The goodness of God over me and you, causes us to say--God I want to serve you. How can I not serve you after all you have done? It should be something that becomes a natural desire within you.

Because we belong to God, we need to be involved in the "FAMILY BUSINESS" which is to serve others. There are many different ways we can serve others in and outside the church. You just need to find your "FIT" and say---here I am Lord, USE ME!

***There is coming a day that we will all stand before the Lord. Will He say, 'WELL DONE GOOD AND FAITHFUL SERVANT OR SOMETHING ELSE"?

My challenge to you is to find your gift and serve others with it. As you do that you are now serving the Lord.

Much love,


For tomorrow: Ps. 24:3-4