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Great Saturday morning to all.

Have you ever been in a "waiting position"? I have from a waiting room when my kids were born to a supermarket line to the DMV getting something done for your car. That list goes on and on.

Heb. 6:15 says to us---After waiting patiently Abraham received what was promised.


We have all waited on or for something. But know this---you are in good company. Here is my question to you---How have you waited; patiently or in anxiety, in anger, frustrated. 

Most if not all of God's people have experienced this waiting process where you seemingly cannot do anything but WAIT.

Maybe you are waiting on a job, or a doctor's report, or a court decision, maybe a relationship to develop. There are so many different things we have had to wait for and will wait for in the future.

Look at some of the people of God who have waited on God---

Hannah waited for a baby.

Joseph waited for God's promise to come to pass.

Abraham waited for a son.

Moses waited 40 years for the Promised Land. (he never went in)

David waited to be king.

God even waited thousands of years before He sent His son to us., if you are waiting right now, look in whose company you wait with.

Ask yourself---What am I learning during my waiting period. If you learn nothing, you have wasted your time. What a shame!!!

Would you keep this in mind---while you are waiting, God is working. So, learn to TRUST, RELAX and BELIEVE that what God is up to is GOOD.

Quit being so anxious, nothing good comes from it. Rest in the Lord, knowing He has it under control.

Much love,

Pastor G.

***Don't forget to sign up for the Church Picnic for the 17th of August. (Welcome Center)