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Welcome to August Family

I believe we all have a desire to live meaningful lives with purpose. Do you know what your purpose is? If you don't spend some time asking God what is my purpose?

I say that because your purpose is the engine that drives your actions, affections, and desires. It will also keep you from spinning your wheels, and regretting your life.

Read Eph. 5:15-17.

Paul is writing mainly about "KNOW YOUR PURPOSE"

Regardless of age or background God wants you to be productive in this life. Each of us has a unique purpose to fulfill while here on earth. 

If you are at the place where you do not know your purpose---HANG IN THERE. God is not finished writing your story and your purpose.

Let me give you 2 thoughts to ponder over:

#1- One way God reveals His will and purpose for you is through the desires that He put within you. What inspires you, and excites you? What do you love to do? In most cases that is a part of your life's story. Those passions and desires are placed there by God. Pursue them, run after them until you catch them. Don't get distracted by laziness, or things that mean little to you. Staying busy is not enough, be productive, not just for your benefit but also for the benefit of others.

#2- God has given us all gifts, differ yes, but all equal. Are you using this God-given gift or is the attitude---well, someday.

See, your gifts are designed to fit you. No one can do it like you. That's what makes you unique in the eyes of God and those you minister to. 

Well, I can't do it, I am not that talented---know this, God will give you the ability to do what He has called you to do.

Start living out the story that God has already started writing in you. That may change, but that's what we call CHAPTER 2 of your life.

Get up and fulfill the part of your story that God has already written.

Much love,

Pastor G

For tomorrow: Read Acts 13:5-12