Good Day married couples,
I want to finish our little series on---Being bored in marriage.
I want you to go back to the last few weeks and re-read our first 3 points.
If you are bored in marriage---
#4- Rethink your Thinking
You probably know someone who is often negative about most things in life---home, work, church, society, life, etc. That person notices everything in life with a flaw. Be careful of what videos you are replaying in your mind day after day.
2 things to do on regular basis.
1- Fall in love with your spouse and tell them regularly that you love them.
2- Control your thoughts that are negative about your spouse. Cast down ALL evil thoughts about them.
Ask God to refresh your love for them and your thoughts about them, then do something together that you did some time ago that bought you both joy and laughter.
#5- Rekindle Romance
Yes, that's something you could NEVER get enough of. Remember? That includes sex. Sex is a part of it. Decide to have fun time together. Cherish the time you loved being together and pursuit it. If you don't, it will not come to you. Agree for that "FUN TIME" and relax and enjoy yourselves with each other. That is God's desire for every married couple, so go ahead and please God. It is also a form of worship.
Pastor G