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Good September to you all.

I thought to share with you this day about romance in marriage.

Not one of us would argue the fact that before marriage we wanted romance more than anything else in the relationship. I trust you feel the same way now. Yet, in many cases the romance has faded away. Some cannot seem to get it back.

Good marriages don't just happen. Marriages are what you make them. Responsibility is on you.

If no effort is put in, they will reap weak relationships.

In James 1:19 it says---"Be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to be angry."

That's great advice to married couples and not.

Allow me to explain this thought so that even I can understand it.----

----One skill that everyone can learn to help make their relationship better---whether in marriage or friendships is---"HOW to PAY ATTENTION"

When you give someone your attention and focus, you are giving a part of your life to that person.

Your time is your life, because you cannot get it back. That's why the most precious thing you can give your spouse is your TIME, and pay attention to them.

Truth is, you fell in love by paying attention. That was reciprocated back to you and something beautiful happened. 

But gradually something happened---kids, work, bills, activities, even church stuff, and the ATTENTION shifted. Your spouse may not be the center of your attention anymore as it was.

See, one of the ways you let your attention fade away is to stop listening to each other.

One does not need to be a rocket scientist to figure this one out.

HERE IT IS!!!! If you have stopped listening to your spouse, it is time to open up those channels and start again. By listening, you are showing love.

Love in the heart and in action begins to flame the romance again.

So this week (I mean today) start paying attention to your spouse and let the romance begin to grow again.

Much love,

Pastor G

***Side note: CONNECT GROUPS start again next week (Sept. 11th) I am starting a group of my own and need about 8-10 people to join me. Let me know asap if you are interested in becoming a part of the group I will be leading.