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Good morning Married Couples,

Marriage is often about making adjustments. Love and peace demand it. 

Phil. 2:4 says, "Don't look out only for your own interest, but take an interest in others, too."

Every marriage offers opportunities for adjustments. Even every day.

To make adjustments successfully, you will need to be unselfish. In fact, being unselfish may be the greatest lesson learned in marriage.

I share 3 ways we can all make unselfish, loving, healthy adjustments.

#1- Think about what your spouse needs:

Scripture says, not only your needs to be met, but others. Sometimes it seems the longer we are married the less we think about our spouses needs.

#2- Submit to each other:

That is NOT a bad thing. We honor Christ and each other by submitting to each other. It is NOT always about you.

As God has called the man to lead the home, we do it in a critical manner by making adjustments when we need to.

Hey men---read Eph. 5:25 a few times.

#3- Don't forget to make adjustments in the little things:

Maybe it means handing the remote to your spouse for an evening or two. Going to her favorite restaurant. Maybe turning the TV off for a few hours and talking about everything and anything.

Real love is often expressed through those little things in life that make your spouse happy.

When your love is mature, you will treat your spouse like Jesus would.

***Try those this week, let me know what happened.

Much love,

Pastor G

***Baptism Sunday this week. If you haven't been baptized since you believed, give me a call by Thursday morning.