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Good Morning Married Couples.

**Don't forget to sign up for the Married Couples Bowling Party. Only 16 slots are available.

Here is a thought for you---Who completes YOU? Is it your spouse, your children, your personality or something else?

Scripture tells us in Col. 2:10--I am complete in Christ.

So In Jesus we are all that we need to be. Yet God in His wisdom gave us a spouse to continue the work in us that he began and He uses our spouse to add to His work.

God has involved marriages to be a testimony to others of the goodness of God in life. 

It is important to be a good witness in our marriages to the world.

Throughout all the years I have been writing this blog, I have given many challenges to you on a healthy, strong, Godly marriage, etc. etc.

I want to give you 3 top practices that will strengthen your marriage commitment to your spouse. As you do them, they will help make you "complete" in each other.

I will keep it simple and short. (Hallelujah) I will try.

1- Spend time together.

There is no shortcut to this truth. You cannot substitute money, gifts, trips, jewelry, etc. Some of you right now are making fun of this fact. I can give you examples of many millionaires that today are divorce, yet gave all those items plus to each other and still ended up a MESS!

NOTHING can be substituted for time. Just stop and think of how much time you spent together before being married...what happened? YES, THINGS CHANGE AROUND KIDS, WORK, BILLS, BUT YOU MUST MAKE QUALITY AND QUANTITY TIME FOR EACH OTHER.

Here is something many will not like---if need be DUMP your old friends for your spouse. You didn't marry them, you married him/her.

This is one of the most important commitments that spouses make to each other. Could it be that your "love level" for each other has dropped due to the lack of time that you spend with the other?

Here are a few things to think about and maybe revisit:

What was the favorite thing that he/she liked to do (besides making out) when you were together? How many hours would you spend "just" talking about everything and anything? Where did you like to go, that was "your" spot? Did you play table games, maybe take it out again and play. (that could be a great thing to do with the entire family also)

Do not allow yourself the excuse that--'I don't have the time'---make time. That means daily.

Our phones and T.V. has become our new "LOVER". Time to divorce them and re-acquaint yourself with the one God made you one with.

I realize I have taken the liberty of getting a little personal with you this morning in this one area. One of the reasons is --I have personally seen many marriages end, and the leading cause has been this lack of spending time together.

So here is my counsel to you and spouse---Re-read this blog with your spouse. Talk about it and see if there is any truth to it in your marriage. If not---PRAISE GOD, keep moving forward. If true for you, make some changes before there is a MESS in front of you.

I promise next week will be quick and short.

Much love, 
Pastor G