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Good morning Married Couples

I trust you are enjoying what God has given us in March. Great weather (so far), anticipating Spring, thinking about flowers, gardening and cutting grass, turning your clock forward one hour, MORE SUNLIGHT!!! Well at least that's my thought at this time.

Well, let me give you a few thoughts that have been going around in my mind---

What have you been thinking about as it pertains to your spouse? Now be careful and kind.

One of my thoughts after almost 47 years of marriage is---

                    --- my spouse is supposed to complete me right?

That might be true in romantics T.V. shows, but let's be real.

I am sure that there has been a time or two or a hundred times that your spouse has disappointed you and you to your spouse. Disappointment Is a normal part of any relationship, but it really hurts when it happens in our marriage.

Marriage often is presented as a cure for all  loneliness, insecurities, to sexual frustration and the list goes on and on. Marriage is supposed to make you happy, and joyful. Often it does, and when it does enjoy it, embrace it. Unfortunately, that does stay in that mode for long, maybe you and your spouse have become more like roommates who tolerate each other more than people who love each other. Well, is that a sign that our marriage is done for? No, not necessarily.

Learn this if you haven't yet, If you put your "ALL '' into someone or something that can fail or disappoint you, the chances are they will disappoint you. After all we are all human and we fail each other, even if we do not want to or plan to. 

---but I thought my spouse, "COMPLETES ME". He/she is my better half, my soul mate. Those are phrases that Hollywood comes up with.

Here is a little secret to hold on to-- Do not love your spouse because they complete you, or are your soulmate, or you look cute together, love your spouse because you are "COMMITTED to them. Say that word--COMMITTED".

I believe that the best love I have ever given my wife is when I felt distant and even disappointed, but yet I still chose to love her and move closer to her. 

I am not saying this is easy, but it is the best thing to do, and I have never regretted it.

I am gonna continue this blog next Wednesday and share with you a few things that will help you feel complete in your spouse. Keep this in mind until next week---

1- great marriages are built, not stumbled into. 2- The grass is only greener whenever you water it .

Much love,
Pastor G