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Good morning to all married couples,

One of the hardest things to regain once it is broken is TRUST.

Have you been in that position? Either you have lost trust in someone or you no longer trust someone. 

It becomes very difficult when you are dealing with a spouse. You don't expect it from them. So, what does a person do when a spouse has done something to cause you to lose your trust in them?

One of the things that has happened is---your heart is now on guard.

Please be careful that your heart does not become HARD toward your spouse.

Here are a few thoughts to think through:

* Ask God to help you not lose your love for your spouse.

* You must communicate the reality of the lost trust that you have for them.

* Clarify the situation. Don't put a spin on it. Deal with the trust.

* How is the guilty party dealing with your hurt over the situation?

* The guilty party needs to hear from you that you want to trust them again.

* Once you have spoken about the issue do not bring it up over and over.

* Ask God to help you forget and begin to trust your spouse again. This may take some time. But it is worth it in order to regain the trust you lost.

There are many other points I can mention, but those few are foundational. Start there.

The reason why I shared this thought is because without TRUST in your marriage you have NO marriage. You begin to live like roommates and strangers in the house. Don't let it get to that point.

***Get counsel as you need. 

Begin seeing your spouse in the light that you saw them before this trust issue started.

NOW, ask yourself, what barriers am I going to set up so this does not occur again?

We are available to help---just call.

Much love,
Pastor G