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Good Morning Married Couples,

Trusting all is well at the home front.

Last week, we started looking at---"Is marriage difficult at times?" 

The answer that I am sure we could all answer the same is YES!!!!

We asked the question---What makes you difficult to live with? 

I hope you took some time to examine that question. Also, have you made any adjustments to that first point?

Another thought to address is---Could you be doing things against your spouse?

I realize this is a very personal question, but it must be dealt with if you want your marriage to move in the right direction. That's really getting to the heart of the matter. If sin in any form is ruling your heart, it will show up in your relationship with your spouse. Please be mindful that all sin is equal in the eye of God, yet some form of sin burns deep within the person it is spoken to. 

One of those sins is what we say with our mouth.

Matt. 15:18-19, Jesus says, "What comes out of the mouth comes from the heart, and this defiles a person. Here are some of those thoughts that come out of our heart, if they are not guarded: murder, adultery, sexual immorality, theft, false witness, slander.

Now, I am sure we could add to that list---but we won't at this time.

Know this for a FACT---Your spouse doesn't make you sin. You sin without their help. 

Here is my point for you to consider. We all want good Godly marriages. If you are doing something to prevent that, what are you doing to change that?

You would have never thought of doing anything to hurt the one you love while you were dating, so why now? Address it, confess it, ask for forgiveness--from God and also from your spouse. Put it behind you and move forward.

I guarantee that as you do that your marriage will have a different feel and substance to it.

Blessings to you both.

Much love,
Pastor G