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Good Morning married Couples

I just thought of sharing some scriptures that you could look up together as a married couple and discuss them.

One of the greatest downfalls in any marriage is "FOOLISHNESS".

I want us to look in the book of Proverbs and see what he has to say about "FOOLS"

1- A fool is convinced that he is always right. (12:15)

2- Quickly shows his annoyance. (21:16)

3- Is hotheaded and often reckless. (14:16)

4- Ignore discipline or correction. (15:5)

5- Waste money (17:16)

6- Always giving his opinion. (18:2)

7- Easily get into arguments (20:3)

8- Ignore wisdom given. (23:9)

9- Trusts in himself (28:26)

10- Vents out his anger (29:11)

Please take time to read these verses and see if they describe you at all. They are meant not to belittle you but to get you to see what others have already seen. Learn to make adjustments to those areas and move forward. 

Take some time and let me know if this list has helped you. This list is not exhaustive at all. There are many more foolish things that people live in and the goodness of God has shown us, so we can correct them. 

Much love,

Pastor G