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Good morning Married Couples,

I read a little cartoon strip of Snoopy--- it said:::"It's so Hot!!!" My answer is: YES IT IS!!!

Life goes on. Be wise, drink water, I said WATER!

I like to share with you something I don't share a lot about. It's about intimacy between spouses.

Ap. Paul warns us about too much of this talk outside the bedroom. Yet, we live in a society that is so saturated with this topic of sex. You can't turn on the T.V. without it being exposed to us.What we see and hear in the media is mostly wrong and sinful. It is mainly about satisfying oneself.

It is not as uncommon to hear of the affairs that married couples are involved with even within the church at large.

So, let me share a few things in the next 2 weeks about how to avoid an affair, no matter where your marriage is today. These are just a few pointers of where we as believers should be on this topic.

#1- Never think it cannot happen in your marriage:

When things are going great at home it is easy to think, I have a great marriage. Satan is not looking to destroy you at that time. He is looking for an opportunity to slip in when there is trouble in paradise. Don't miss this!!! If you are not regularly trying to keep your marriage in tip top shape, that is when he attacks. Seldom do people look to have affairs. But when the marriage is abandoned or taken for granted---feelings slip away, stuff happens and one thing leads to another and then it goes too far. Our first thought then is---how did it get this far off course?

*** My number ONE counsel is---Safeguard your marriage by making it your priority in your life.

#2- Be intimate with your spouse. 

(plain english---HAVE ALOT OF SEX)

If husbands and wives will connect physically, as often as they can, their marriage can be very difficult to  break. That's one reason for intimacy.

Well, Pastor, we are so busy, with kids, schedules, etc, plus, I am so tired after a full day.

OK-- SCHEDULE your physical love time. Why not, you scheduled everything else. Make sure you keep your appointment, and don't be late and one more thing---NO EXCUSES!! more for this week.

#3- Quit talking to friends from a long time ago.

Your earlier time can bring up a lot of emotions that are not healthy for your marriage.

Don't get caught in that trap. You remember "those good old days) remember it is your spouse that has been by your side all these years.

Work on those 3 for this week. We'll continue this line of thought next week.

Much love,

Pastor G