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Good morning married Couples

I love married couples for so many reasons. Time does not allow me to list them. Being married for nearly 47 years (July 9th) for me is a joy. A few ups and downs but by God's grace we are moving forward loving Jesus and also loving each other. It is not automatic, it takes work to have a strong marriage. If you put little to nothing in it, that's what you will get in return.

So, here are a few things to make sure you have in your marriage to keep it strong and moving in the right direction.


1- Find a good mentoring couple

Maybe someone older than you and spouse are. Speak to them and ask them if they would be willing to be your mentors. Usually they have years of experience under their belt and could counsel you when the need arises.

If you can not think of one, give me a call and I may be able to  share a name of two with you, with permission from that couple.


2- Invest financially in your marriage.

Besides paying bills, what have you done in the area of financially investing in your marriage to make it stronger? Spending money for a night out. Buying something for your spouse. Going to a marriage seminar together. Have you tried sailing some Saturday, just you and your spouse?

Stay active!!! Boredom leads to marriage failure.


3- Protect your budget.

It may sound contrary to #2, but it is not. You will need to find balance in your spending.

DEBT causes huge problems in marriage. You do not need to have everything NOW. Money problems are the number ONE cause for marriage trouble. If you cannot figure it out for yourself, get help. There is no shame in getting financial counsel.


Work on these three this week. 

Read these 3 together, Work on them together, Begin enjoying life together.

Next week we will look at a few more.

Much love,

Pastor G

***Hope to  see you tonight as we start our SUMMER SESSIONS under the tent 7:00pm.