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Good Morning Married Couples

I trust all is well in your life.

Don't forget---"ALL THINGS are POSSIBLE with GOD"

Last week we shared about having a mentor in our life. I have received 2 couples interested in this new endeavor. 

If you would like a mentor or feel you could be amontor, please let me know and we can sit down and talk about it.

NOW--- Let's continue on "why having a mentor in our lives is beneficial and not a sign of having a problem".

#3-Mentors can hold you accountable.

In my experiences of 47 years of marriage is that most couples begin to have issues because they are not held accountable to someone.

Accountability is about helping you become the best you can be in your role in your marriage. It is not about shaming anyone in the marriage, but rather reminding them what and where they should be at. 

We all have "BLIND SPOTS" in our lives and often a mentor can see them better than we can.

For this to work properly, we must deal with "humility" otherwise you will rebell and reject any counsel given.

Always remember ---we are all humans and we will fail from time to time. Allow someone to speak into your life. We all need that.

Strong marriages have strong people around them.

#4- Mentors will celebrate with you.

Noone likes to celebrate alone! If you do, well I just don't know.

In most mentoring relationships the couples involved become very good friends, and they will celebrate your victories and achievements in your life.

Romans 12:15a tells us "Rejoice with those who  rejoice"

Marital mentors want nothing more than to see your marriage successful. 

Much love to you,

Pastor G