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Good day married Couples

If the husband of the house came with others to the Men's Retreat ---we had a GREAT time.

I conclude our series about having mentors in our lives. I have one last point and then a challenge to you.

Let me rewind and remind you what MENTORS can do for you and a couple.

1- Help you stay humble

2- Offer Guidance

3- Hold you accountable

4- Celebrate your victories

5- Mourn with you 

6- Pray for you and with you

There is not one bad thing on that list.

#7- Mentors can learn from you

No marriage is perfect. Therefore not even the one who is mentoring you and your spouse.

They will often rely on you as you rely on them. 

Prov. tells us---"Iron sharpens Iron"

Anyone of those on the list can be applied to the mentors lives as they encourage you to live them.

NOW!!!! here is my challenge to  you as a couple.

It is healthy to have mentors in your life who are strong in life and in their walk with God.

If you desire to either want a couple to  mentor you as a couple or you desire to be a mentor in couples life---you must let me know. We have had 2 couples ask for help in this area. I would like to add your name to the list if possible. Some work will go into setting this up so I don't want to organize it if there is little to no interest in it.

I will wait for your response.

Much love, 

Pastor G