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Good Morning Married Couples,

Quick Question (QQ)---

What did you do for your spouse last week that was not expected? Those kinds of things keep the joy and excitement in your marriage. If you think you are beyond that, you may have a boring marriage. Don't let it get to that. Do something this week that let's your spouse know you really love them and think of them.

So, if you have a "boring" marriage what are some of the things you can do to bring back the fun?

I realize things have changed from the honeymoon with no kids to today. But don't lose the fun in marriage. Unfortunately, that's when eyes start to wander.

Start reading the book of "SONGS OF SOLOMON ---read it together!!!

I will give you a little taste of it---(6:3) "I am my lover's and my lover is mine"

Would you let me know you read it this week by Sunday?

We all know we have agendas to fill so be wise in what you say to each other and plan your day so there is time for each other.

The excuse that you are too busy does not fly. You make time for everything else, now it is time to make room for each other. 

This only works if you are intentional about this .

Here are a few things. It will take us a few weeks to go through them.

#1- Put each other on top of the list.

We must make spending time together a priority, just as you did in your dating days.

Let your language and actions demonstrate that your spouse is your priority.

Make eye contact when you speak to her/him. Give undivided attention. When you walk, if possible hold hands. Always speak well to them in public and when alone. 

Take time to inquire about their day.

That is an easy task to accomplish, so let's all do it.

We will address a few more next week.

***Don't forget to read the Song of Solomon. Start today.

Much love,

Pastor G