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Then God said, “Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness”

~ Genesis 1:26


For God, who said, “Light shall shine out of darkness”

is the One who has shone in our hearts

to give the light of the knowledge

of the glory of God in the face of Christ.

~2 Corinthians 4:6


Jaimashi (Praise the Lord!) Dear Sister!

Having just returned from 3 weeks of travel where I understood less than 1/10th of the conversations around me, I’ve been thinking about the power of words. Think about the verses above…. God said, and it was done!

Of all things created by the word of God, only humankind is unique in the ability to respond to our Creator and each other in the form of words. You and I, dear one, are created in the image and likeness of God!

No one has ever seen God our Father, but Jesus said, “Whoever has seen Me has seen the Father” (John 14:9) Of course, we’ve never laid eyes on Jesus either, but we know from what the Bible says and historical records that He was so human that there was nothing remarkable in His appearance to set Him apart from other humans.

But Jesus showed the Father through His words. Words of life! His words of truth! Jesus showed the glory of His Father through His deeds of healing, His deeds of deliverance, His deeds of mercy, grace and forgiveness.

A blind person may never see the face of their loved one, but they come to know and “see” who they are by their words and their deeds. They are recognized by their voice, or, if close to their heart, their very presence!

I’ve grown up in a community of blind people, so I know this to be true! In fact, at times it reminds me to not be so quick to make judgements about people based on what I see. Remember, God looks on the heart! (1 Samuel 16:7)

But getting back to ‘words’, whether or not you wonder if God has a nose like yours, one confirmation that we are made in His image is our ability to communicate with words. We speak to each other, and our Father also speaks to us in His Word and sometimes directly into our spiritual ears. (which must look like His, wherever they are)

We’ve touched on the topic of the power of words before. This is a creative power we can enjoy that is in the image of our Father! God said, and it was done! We say words of encouragement, and people are strengthened! We pray aloud to God, and people are healed, delivered or set free!

So speak life, even to yourself! Words of praise and thanksgiving to God! Reading your Bible out loud is very powerful! As your own ears hear the faithful and enduring Word of God, you will be built up, encouraged and strengthened in your relationship with your Abba. The Holy Spirit will bring those words to your remembrance too when you need it! 

Not only that, but as His Word bounces around inside your brain, you will eventually gain a better understanding as that seed slowly grows inside of you. God will cause His light to shine in your heart, the light of glory that will never fade like it did with Moses, but giving you the knowledge of the eternal glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ!  

As you study your Bible this week, read out loud….and let me know how it goes, I’d love to hear from you!

May the Lord give you understanding as you contemplate His words for you today!

With love, your sister, Celeste