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But it is good for me to draw near to God;

I have put my trust in the Lord God, my refuge,

That I may declare all Thy works.

~ Psalm 73:28

Hello my beloved sister!

As you read the Psalm above, I pray that the Lord brings to your mind how this passage is true for you!

It makes me think of love, a love such as I had never known until I ran into the refuge of the Lord God. My Lord God. As a child running to a parent in their distress, I run into the open arms of my Abba, who never turns away in disgust, who never ridicules me for my mistakes. Even after a loving discipline, He sets me back on my feet with encouragement, strength and hope. The nearness of my God in my life is my good because He is good! His goodness overflows this vessel of clay and spills out in praise to His glory!

This results in me telling of all His good works! I am so thankful for the opportunity to share with you every week, I hope that you never tire of it, thinking ‘there she goes again.’ Through writing to you, I’ve been blessed; the more I tell of the goodness of God, the more I see His fingerprints all around me, sometimes in the most unexpected situations! I am sure the more you tell of God’s works in your life, you will see Him at work more clearly in your life too!

Our God is a refuge! Another word for refuge is ‘shelter’. It makes me think of a safe place where no harm can come. It also could be a place of rest and restoration. We think about praising God, of serving God, studying and learning about Him, but how about just coming to Him to rest? To take a break from the world’s battles, to be strengthened in your spirit?

I am also learning to run into God’s refuge when I see the trouble coming; the dust rising low on the horizon. I am learning to lean on Him for answers instead of my own strength and experience. Although I can’t always foresee the outcome, I know enough that God is faithful and that His solution, no matter how weird it looks, is for my good and the good of those around me.

Did I just say that the nearness of God can be weird?? You know, He doesn’t think like we do, and He doesn’t act like we do. (Isaiah 55:8) Not only that, He is able to do exceedingly abundantly beyond all that we ask or even think! (Ephesians 3:20) A God that we could understand would be an idol, made in our own image, with power no different from a rock or a piece of wood. No real refuge at all.

It takes humility to run into God’s refuge: to admit that whatever we’re dealing with is too much for us to handle, or to handle properly. Sometimes we fear to run to God’s refuge, but He’s not waiting with a stick. He’s waiting with abundant grace, overflowing goodness that lifts you up. It seems as if the more you realize your human weakness, the stronger you grow in spirit!

Sometimes I’m hard on myself and perhaps you are too. I think, “I’ve faced this trouble before, I can probably handle it!” I’m ever so slowly learning that when trouble comes, seek the Lord first. Speak God’s truth! Speak peace. Speak life. Encourage yourself out loud! You will sense the nearness of God and He will speak through you! His nearness will bring His goodness for you.

I know this to be true. When I start speaking life and trust into a situation, I begin to see change! Even better, when my brothers and sisters join me in God’s refuge, the defenses of the adversary crumble and the walls come tumbling down! Stand fast and God’s truth will come to light. The Lord will protect you as you rest in His refuge, under the shadow of His wings. (Ps. 57:1)

This week, when trouble comes, let your first action be to draw near to God! Put your trust in Him, intentionally entering into His refuge, and allow Him to shelter you. Remember, it is good for you to draw near to God! Do not be afraid, He is waiting for you, His beloved child, to run into His arms! And then, when victory comes (and it surely will), you will want to tell of His wondrous work and we will all be edified and encouraged! That’s how God’s family moves forward!

I’m looking forward to hearing you declare of His good works in your life! Praise the Lord!

With love, your sister, Celeste