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Thou dost make the dawn and the sunset shout for joy ~ Psalm 65:8


Good morning my dear sister!

Last week I wrote a scripture to you about singing joyfully to the Lord, whether you’re an early bird or a night owl, neither or both! This week I started thinking about how the scriptures proclaim that indeed all of creation sings to God! And, best of all, how God sings back to His creation, especially His beloved children!

When God describes His creation, it is with joy, with exultation! Dripping with fatness! Girded with rejoicing! Covered, enriched and overflowing! Even the fruit of His creation rejoices in the abundance, the glory, the overwhelming power and creativity of their Master!  

I am the fruit of His creation. YOU are the fruit of His creation too! Are His fruits abounding, overflowing and rejoicing in you? I must ask myself the same question! So often I think of God in a way that confines Him to the limits of my imagination.

Well, my sister, if that’s true for you as well, I think it’s time for an upgrade in our software when we ponder the joyful, exuberant God we serve! Zephaniah 3:17 assures us that not only is God with you, but He delights in you! He sings with joy over you!!

When I think of that phrase, I think of times when holding my babies or my grandbabies that I sing in my joy over them. In fact, often my singing is accompanied with rocking, walking or even dancing with them in my arms! What gives me the impulse to do that? God put that in my heart, and, if He put it there, it must have been in His own heart first!

Imagine! Your God holding you in His arms, giving you victory! Rejoicing over you! Singing over you! Dancing with you! Renewing you in His love!

Just ponder that and let it sink in for a few minutes.

“The Lord your God is in your midst, a warrior who gives victory; He will rejoice over you with gladness, He will renew you in His love, He will exult over you with loud singing as on a day of festival.”  ~ Zephaniah 3:17 RSV

Given that, how can we ourselves not rejoice along with all that He has created? In fact, we can’t help but rejoice; one of the fruits of God living in us is joy! Our new nature in Christ is full of joy, love, peace, goodness, meekness, faithfulness, patience, gentleness & self control! These are the fruits of the living God, the same who lives in the hearts of all who will invite Him in!! 

If you’re not feeling it, I encourage you to pray about it with someone who will water that little seed of truth that’s been planted within your spirit! Living in a fallen world, it is sometimes easy to become discouraged, distracted or downhearted. But remember, no matter what is happening on this earth, God is victorious! He makes the dawn and the sunset shout for joy! The hills rejoice, the meadows and the valleys shout for joy, yes they sing!! (Ps 65:12-13)

The Lord your God is with you! He will give you victory! He rejoices over you with gladness! He renews you in His love!

He. Exults. Over. YOU!

So how about giving back a little to Him? No matter what is going on in your day today, your mind tonight, your life everyday; give it up to Him who deserves all the glory, all the praise with a little loud singing of your own! And dance for the audience of the One who loves you!

With joy and love, your sister, Celeste