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God sets the solitary in families, 

He brings out those who are bound into prosperity,

but the rebellious dwell in a dry land.

~ Psalm 68:6 

This week I had the joy of witnessing the baptisms of new brothers and sisters into the family of God! For weeks prior to the big event, I anticipated the excitement, the joy, the love that always accompanies the marvelous works of the Lord!

The weird thing is that I had never even met most of them whom I now joyfully call ‘brother’ or ‘sister’!  I hope to, and soon, because as new believers, they likely also need new friends to be able to grow in a life pleasing to God. That is, to train their spiritual ears to listen, to have their hearts turned toward their Father, and to be encouraged in their new life in Christ!

How exciting to be born into a new culture of faithfulness, love, grace and mercy! To be accepted, to participate, to be born again into a life with eternal meaning! To be sheltered in the Everlasting Arms of a Father who knows you intimately and will never forsake you. To be surrounded by people who recognize the same spirit of the living God living in each other!

I look back on the day of my baptism with joy! I was a little nervous; it had only been about 4 months since I had invited Jesus into my heart and was still ‘cleaning house’ if you know what I mean. But I was wisely encouraged by my new brethren that it was a step toward Him that I needed to take. My second leap of faith in less than half a year! How can being dunked in a pool change anything?

It changed everything! 

“He saved us, not on the basis of deeds which we did in righteousness, but in accordance with His mercy, by the washing of regeneration and renewing by the Holy Spirit, whom He richly poured out upon us through Jesus Christ our Savior, so that being justified by His grace we would be made heirs according to the hope of eternal life.” ~Titus 3:5-7

The ‘washing of regeneration’ and ‘renewing by the Holy Spirit’! I had felt forgiven when I repented of my sins, but WOW! I rose up out of that water feeling cleansed where washing couldn’t ever reach before! And, best of all, a sense of the Holy Spirit present with me; my comforter, my advocate, my teacher. Instead of scratching my head, wondering what the Scriptures were saying, I felt as if my understanding had been opened, the light turned on, even in the King James Version!

Along with my newfound understanding, I realized that I couldn’t walk the path the Lord had for me all by myself…that’s where the family of God comes in! I needed guidance and fellowship! I needed to be taught and discipled!

 Just as when born into natural families the child is joyfully received, nurtured, nourished and cared for, we, in God’s family, need to nurture, nourish and care for the new children in our Father’s family too. It is His will that we care for one another! The Lord means for us to grow together, to dwell with older brothers and sisters who will encourage us, even mentor us, into a healthy maturity, so that we, in turn, can nurture other new believers!

Just as watching your child begin to walk or finally grasp a concept, it is so exciting to watch others grow in their faith and become the sons and daughters that God has intended them to be! It is life! It’s moving in a positive direction! And, it benefits the whole body when members are being nourished and growing in spiritual maturity!

God sets the solitary in families. I don’t know if the people being baptized had a family present to celebrate with them or not, but all of heaven rejoiced and we rejoiced with them! As humans, we all long to belong. As American families, we dwell in a curious mix of isolation and independence, but God’s family is meant to work together and be interdependent!

In the weeks to come, why not be on the lookout for the ones glowing with new life and make a friend? You will be blessed and grow too as you spend some time making a positive impact on one of God’s newest lambs. 

Time may be short, we don’t when the Lord might call any of us home, so don’t wait for a more convenient season! Reach out and be blessed!

With love, your sister, Celeste