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I sought the Lord and He answered me;

He delivered me out of all my fears.


Taste and see that the Lord is good;

Blessed is the one who takes refuge in Him.


Fear the Lord, you His holy people,

For those who fear the Lord lack nothing

~ Psalm 34:4, 8-10

Good morning dear Sister!

My heart is filled with gratitude for God’s faithfulness as I write to you today! Believe it or not, this note marks my 52nd “Sister2Sister” to you! A whole year already!

It hardly seems possible! I look back through my archives and I marvel at how I ever could think up so much stuff to write about? 

But, you know what? I didn’t think up all that stuff! As I sought the Lord for topics or teachings, He taught me. He led me. He gives me the words. As I sought Him, He opened my eyes to see His hand all around me, every day!

Thank you for letting me into your home and, hopefully, your heart. I pray this little blog has brought encouragement to your soul. I pray that you see yourself in some of my testimonies and know that if God can do “it” for me, He can bring forth fruit in your life too! I pray that it has given you courage to step into what God is calling you to do! 

Because God has work for YOU to do too! 

If you are doing what God has called you to do, you will not only find the strength and wisdom you need, you will find great satisfaction in a job well done! You will find joy in serving your Master, because God Is good and you are blessed when He is your boss!

Who doesn’t want to work for the greatest boss in the world? Consider the above Psalm; 

  • The Lord of all creation (our great Boss) answers us when we call!

  • He encourages us to accomplish His work without fear of failure! 

  • “Taste and see”, our Boss invites us to see how good He is!

  • He is one who can be trusted without reservation!

  • We are in awe of Him for all His goodness and righteousness. 

  • He rewards us by giving us all that we need and overflowing besides!

Do you want to do His work? Do you hear His call but think that you’re not up to it? I never dreamed in a million years that I’d have enough to say that would keep me writing weekly for a year (and beyond, I hope!). 

God only needs a willing vessel, not a capable one. He will equip you, He will give you everything you need! He will be glorified because others will see God working through you!

I’ve been a Christian for a long time, but I’ve only recently learned the concept of “moving forward in the Lord”. In the past, I’ve taught Sunday school, served on boards, led prayer meetings and done church stuff like that, but it wasn’t until I started to minister in a way that I really had to depend on Him that I started to experience a growth spurt in my walk with the Lord.

So, my sister, I encourage you to take a step of growth in your walk with the Lord! Wherever you’re at right now, the Lord has something more and even better for you… it’s part of that whole abundant life that Jesus has promised you!

Growing in the Lord will enrich your life in ways that money cannot buy! Jesus promises abundant life, a life filled with purpose, meaning and blessing now! And ultimately, eternal life with Him! How I long to hear Him say to me, “Well done, good and faithful servant!”

How about you?

God bless you as you seek Him!

Much love, your sister, Celeste