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….. Only one thing is necessary……  ~ Luke 10:42


Good morning my dear sister!

As I write to you today, I am hours away from hosting our son Gabe & Alexa’s wedding rehearsal dinner.

As busy as I've been, I have been wracking my brain all week and listening for the Lord to give me a topic to write to you. Wouldn’t you know, the answer came to me this morning, only a few minutes ago with 4.5 hours countdown to showtime.

Ted and I love (the idea) of hospitality, Ted is always the first one to offer a cookout! He sees the big picture of fun and fellowship. I tend to be a little more reserved because I see the details; the prep, the clean up, making sure everyone is comfortable etc. Maybe he’s the Mary and I’m the Martha!

This week has been very busy with preparation. House cleaning, preparing room for overnight guests, food shopping, supply gathering, food preparation, wedding clothes prep, hair cutting….. a general spiffing up. 

In all the hubbub and the nerves and stresses of getting ready, it’s easy to forget the reason why we’re coming together to celebrate. We are about to embark on the joining of two people who are (perhaps unwittingly) walking in the will of God. They are about to begin the adventure of their lives and a time of maturation and growth that is only possible within the bonds of marriage. The Lord has made it that way!

So, in these last hours, as we rehearse the pageantry before the vows are made, then celebrate the families coming together, the Lord reminded me this morning that all the preparations are nice, but really, only one thing is necessary; Him.

We will be praying that our guests feel His presence in our home. We will be praying before the meal. We will take a few moments to pray for the couple, after all, we are gathered together for them, thanking God for them and asking Him to guide them and bless them. At the conclusion of the evening we will thank God for His goodness, grace and faithfulness to us all.

I am so grateful that the Lord has shown me this. I admit that I was getting too bogged down in the details that weren’t going “right”, unexpected changes, inconvenient timings. I kind of had a bad attitude. I repent of that though. God IS good, and I know He has a good plan for Alexa and Gabe and that HE will work it out for them, not me.

So, my dear sister, I covet your prayers for this wedding taking place on Friday, the 18th of October at 4PM. May the Lord sustain this couple and draw them near to Him!

Thank you so much! May the Lord return the blessing to you tenfold!

With love, your sister, Celeste