Therefore, if you have been raised with Christ,
keep seeking the things that are above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God.
Set your mind on the things that are above, not on things that are on earth,
for you have died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God.
~ Colossians 3:1-3
Good morning dear Sister!
When I was a child, long before the advent of personal computers and mobile phones, I believed that there were two beings in my life who knew just how I was behaving; God and Santa Claus. Even though I kind of confused the two, as a young, innocent child I accepted that as a fact of life!
Now, as adults, we accept as a fact of life that total strangers are watching our behavior, thanks to personal computers and mobile phones! But, oh, to what end? Have you ever really thought about that? These devices, including the good old fashioned TV, are tracking our patterns of behavior and then enticing us with ways to fill our perceived needs.
The Bible tells us that God already knows what we need, even before we ask or even think about it! He has equipped us with all that we need to live in victory in His plan! We need only ask. But what if we turn our attention from Him to something that is more compelling to our flesh?
I had some time to think about that while I was pretty much off grid in India. The ‘computer lab’ at the children’s school contained one, older looking machine, but no internet access. None of the children seem to have phones. There was no TV.
There were nearly 90 kids staying at Connie’s Place….. Their days consisted of morning praise, exercise, school, chores, meals, homework, play, evening praise and sleep. They were the happiest, most industrious children I’ve ever seen! They had goals and purpose in their lives! They helped one another, they worked together, played together, and they laughed a lot!
If you counted their worldly goods, they would fit in their only backpack, yet they seemed fulfilled and eager to learn. They had a zest for life, a life that was not nearly as comfortable as my own, yet they were genuinely happy. I wondered about that.
One conclusion I came to is that they were not exposed to the constant trials, tribulations and temptations of the world through the media. Even though there might have been trouble surrounding them, they had peace, dwelling in the presence of the Lord.
God doesn’t intend children to be worried about tomorrow or to be wrapped up in earthly things. Children are creative and have great imaginations. (How many kids play with the box rather than the toy? Or sticks and rocks?) I had to ask myself, if this is true of natural born children, how much more should it be the norm for the supernaturally born children of God?
Is it as simple as seeking the things above rather than things of the earth?
Our Heavenly Father formed each of us with a purpose and a plan in His mind! He doesn’t make mistakes! God is concerned with the beauty of our eternal spirits and salvation of our souls in Jesus Christ. The world is concerned with the beauty and comfort of the flesh, which is corrupted and temporary.
No matter what turmoil is going on in the world, no matter what our flesh desires, if we keep seeking the things which are above, we will be satisfied with the goodness and faithfulness of God in our innermost being. It is not natural, it is supernatural! In the end of our earthly existence, God promises that when Christ, who is our life, is revealed, you will also be revealed with Him in glory! (Col. 3:4) Forever!
So, my dear one, I am inviting you to the challenge, along with myself, to keep seeking the things above! Think of your biggest distraction and try an alternative instead. For example; do you watch a lot of news? Spend a portion of that time reading God’s Good news! Like to walk around the mall? Take a walk in nature, God’s created beauty. How about exchanging some TV time for a little prayer time spent with the Lord instead? Internet? Pray for discernment and listen when God speaks. Fiddling with your phone? How about downloading a Bible app, Bible game or an uplifting podcast?
The fact that God says KEEP seeking tells us that we make decisions every day, all day to follow Jesus in all that we do and say. I may have been wrong about Santa, but I know that I am right about the Lord, who is always ready to lead you in the right path.
May the Lord abundantly bless your efforts to seek Him this week! Tell me how it goes!
With love, your sister, Celeste