May the Lord reward your work,
And your wages be full from the Lord, the God of Israel,
Under whose wings you have come to seek refuge.
~ Ruth 2:12
Good morning dear Sister!
I hope that you are feeling the Lord’s presence with you today!
Last week I challenged you to do a little homework assignment; to call upon the Lord and allow Him to teach you something you did not know! (Jeremiah 33:3) Well, I guess I should have seen it coming… the Lord challenged the challenger, and I didn’t even realize it until I made it to the other side! I should coin a new phrase…you’re never bored walking with the Lord!
Knowing that the Lord is near to me, even walking with me, makes me want to do good things in His Name and to His glory! It makes me want to run and skip through my day with music in my heart, knowing that my Abba is with me!
I wish I felt like that everyday, but I don’t. Can you relate? (you’re probably thinking, “well, now I can! LOL)
It’s tempting to think that doing something to please the Lord might be fun or at least have a satisfying end, but sometimes the good things we do for Him don’t seem to turn out so well at all, at least on this side of heaven.
How do you feel when you’re trying to do good for someone, yet you fall short of their expectations? Perhaps instead of a “thank you” you get criticism or complaints. How does that make you feel?
The world says that, “No good deed goes unpunished”, but that’s not a very helpful or edifying attitude. (thanks, world) We might be tempted to complain to somebody else, but believers are supposed to spur one another on to love and good deeds, not grumble and complain about how our good deed failed. (Hebrews 10:24)
No one likes to work at something that seems to have no good result. It feels like a waste of time. A waste of energy. It seems hopeless… but God has a plan! The Lord often encourages us by letting us see the blessing of the fruit of our work, but just because it seems there is no fruit does not mean He is not at work! (I feel a song coming on…. “Even when I don’t see it You're workin’, even when I don’t feel it You’re workin’, You never stop, You never stop workin’….”)*
Hearing that song in my head, I took my complaint to the Lord, my refuge. He was gracious and He answered me! (and it wasn’t with a big stick) He brought to life a promise that seemed I had never read before! He showed me something that I did not know before!
May the Lord reward your work,
And your wages be full from the Lord, the God of Israel,
Under whose wings you have come to seek refuge.
~ Ruth 2:12
Even though our work might not be acknowledged by anyone, the Lord sees and will reward us in His measure, which is ‘FULL’! It is a promised blessing for those who are trusting in the Lord!
What a mighty and just God we serve! And a generous God as well! (and the only wise One!) I would rather keep an account with Him than with anyone I serve on earth! So, I will try to remember next time I find myself in the middle of a seemingly thankless task, knowing that what I am doing is pleasing to Him and that my wages will be full from Him!
God is so good to us! May you be abundantly blessed this week as you walk with Him!
With love, your sister, Celeste
*Way Maker- Leeland 2019