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For truly, I say to you, if you have faith like a grain of mustard seed,

you will say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ 

and it will move,

and nothing will be impossible for you.”

~ Matthew 20:17

Greetings my dear sister!

Have you ever read a verse in the Bible that left you scratching your head? If you ever asked me that same question, I might reply, “Do bears poop in the woods?” because, of course, we have ALL read verses that we don’t understand!

Usually, when I don’t understand something I thank the Lord that He calls us to ‘be as little children’ (Mt 18:2) But, on the other hand, He does desire that we grow in wisdom, knowledge and faith, so we must press on in our upward calling. Oooh, that sounds like work!

It’s true that often we do have to put in some effort to dig into the Word with our thinking caps on. We need to remove all distractions and listen for the Lord’s instruction with intention and openness. But, every once in awhile, the Lord will just gift you a little nugget of truth when you are least expecting it! Can you think of a time that has happened to you? I’d love to hear about that!

That very thing happened to me the other day! I've been puzzling over that ‘moving the mountain’ verse for a long time. What an odd example Jesus gave! Why would anyone want to move a mountain? What would happen to the landscape? The trees? The water? The wildlife? What if the mountain landed on top of people? Did Jesus ever do that? How come no one has appeared to ever try that? What havoc that would wreak! These are the questions I ask myself. I know that mustard seeds are small and mountains are big and that faith comes in there somewhere.

Well, here comes the big revelation! Remember a few months ago I wrote about how the music we listen to influences our moods and ways of thinking? (If not, ask me and I’ll send it to you, it was a good one!) Well, I was listening to Christian radio when with just seven little words the whole theological concept of mountain moving became clear to me!

                                 …… “mountains move with just a little faith ”*……. 

I felt so dumb! I take things waaay too literally sometimes! I’m terrible at reading poetry because I can’t always grasp the metaphors. The book of Proverbs is poetry, but it’s plain and simple. The Song of Solomon? Forget it…..most of the time it is still an enigma to me. (except the steamy parts, which have been explained to me )

But I digress. Please turn your minds back to the scripture above! 

Plain as day, “mountains move with just a little faith”! Those metaphorical mountains are the troubles and challenges in my life! (lightbulb!) I can move those out of my way with just the tiniest step toward the Lord! 

Yes, I have been practicing that all through my walk with the Lord: overcoming so many challenges in Jesus Name! He’s moved mountains when I’ve asked, He’s moved mountains when I didn’t know it until later!

I can’t help but thank Him and praise His Holy Name….God is faithful, watchful, protecting and providing for the righteous and the unrighteous alike, BUT, how many more mountains are moved when we call out to Him in faith?

Think about times when God has moved mountains in your life! Those of you in Connect Groups think about a testimony you can include in your “Life Story” about God moving a mountain in your life! Your story will edify those who hear it and they will be blessed and encouraged!

Hallelujah! I’m encouraged just by encouraging you! Go forth and move those mountains, in Jesus’ Name! NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE if you have faith!

Now go!

With love, your sister, Celeste

* Don’t Stop Praying by Matthew West