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Set your minds on the things that are above, 

not on the things that are on earth. 

For you have died, 

and your life is hidden with Christ in God.

 ~ Col. 3:2-3


Good morning my dear sister!

Way back when Ted and I were newlyweds, we made several commitments regarding the sanctity of our home. For the most part they were typical Christian values; vows of fidelity, honor and cherishing, Bible reading, prayer time, church attending, hospitality etc. One decision seemed a little ‘out there’... we decided not to have a television! (as a couple, some of our friends have told us we’ve always been a little ‘out there’!)

My beloved is a real movie buff. He can rattle off not only the titles, but also the plot lines, the cast, director and producer of just about any movie! He must have spent a lot of time watching TV! As his bride, I admit that I was jealous for his attention and didn’t want to have to compete with a TV.

Hmmmm…… as Christians, Who else is jealous and desiring of our attention?

To us, this seemed like the simplest way to keep our minds on things above. We listened to music that was uplifting and honoring God. We read books, in addition to the Bible, that motivated us toward good character, morality, honesty and loyalty. Instead of allowing our attention to be diverted from the Lord or our opinions to be formed by talking heads, we played games, camped and spent a lot of time just conversing together. 

Decades later, all that technological aversion went out the window with the advent of home computers and the devices that have followed, including mobile phones. It is so much more difficult now to tune the world out!

Did you ever wonder why people used to call the TV the ‘boob tube’ or the ‘idiot box’?
Have you ever thought about the implications of what “www” (world wide web) could mean? All those strands of the web connect us to one another, to be sure. But keep in mind, webs are woven by spiders to capture and devour unsuspecting flies. Many of the content providers in this web want nothing more than to suck the life out of your relationships or your bank account; devouring your attention and your time for their own nefarious plans. Sometimes I feel a bit like a fly, a beautiful damselfly of course, trapped in a maleficent spider’s web.

And then there are cell phones! Did you ever think about how the draw to cell phones also seems to want to keep you a prisoner of that 3x6 inch ‘cell’? Must you answer that call? Must you read that text!! Now? How many people have spent the last moments of their lives reading a text message…CRASH!

As with the TV, how much of what we see/do with our devices is just pleasing to the flesh, with no edifying or eternal value at all? Are we wasting our time? Ignoring opportunities to live that life that is hidden with Christ in God?

Technology has a place in our lives, but it is not meant to replace the life that we have in Christ.

Yes, we can look up Bible verses on the internet and yes, finding multiple commentaries online is convenient. But beware of the little spiders that pop up and want to lure you away from the truth you are seeking. Be diligent and on your guard to keep from being ensnared! 

Remember, “If then you have been raised with Christ, keep seeking the things above, where Christ is seated at the right hand of God. Set your mind on things above and not on things of the earth, for you have died and your life is hidden with Christ in God!” (Col. 3:1-3)

Personally, I have cut down quite a bit on podcasts and playing games on my phone. Strangely, I seem to be more productive and have more peace in my life along with a more positive outlook. Challenge yourself! How long can you go without watching TV, checking your phone or your laptop? Read your Bible, memorize a verse, go back through your collection of Sister2Sisters! Spend some time with the Lord!

Be warned though, my sister, the more you seek after the Lord, the more you will want to be in fellowship with Him who loves you and jealously desires your attention!

With love, your sister, Celeste