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He said to them, “Come and see.” 

~ John 1:39


Greetings dear Sister!

Does this verse sound familiar? (It’s an easy one to memorize! ) 

“Come and see” was Jesus' reply to two guys who asked HIm where He was staying. 

About 40 days after His baptism, Jesus had just come back into town after fasting, praying and battling the devil in the desert. You’d think He’d need a little peace and quiet, but, being spotted in the street, John the Baptizer cried out, “Behold, the Lamb of God!” and immediately, two of John’s disciples left him and went to follow Jesus. 

Jesus turned, noticing they were following Him and asked them, “What do you seek?” (vs 38) Their reply, curiosity piqued, is “where are you staying?" Jesus simply invites them to “Come and see.”

An invitation from the Lamb of God to dwell with Him for a little while!

I don’t know about you, but when I return home from being away, especially from camping, I’m not much in the mood for company. The house is usually a wreck from unpacking, everything is filthy, I’m tired and I just long for a little quiet time for myself. But not my Savior! He invites the men in and they spend the rest of the day together! I can only imagine what they must have talked about! 

We do get an inkling because afterward one of the men went straight to his own brother and declared, “We have found the Messiah!” and brought him to Jesus. If I’m not mistaken, this is the first recorded testimony of literally bringing someone to the Lord! The disciple’s name was Andrew and he went to find his brother, Simon. That very day, Jesus gives Simon a new name, Peter! Can you imagine the excitement in meeting the Messiah?

Jesus could have started his life-changing ministry with slick PR, fanfare, concerts and interviews, but instead of announcing Himself, He responded to people who looked for Him. He invited people into His life and to see where He was dwelling. 

Jesus didn’t even have a place to call home. Once, when a scribe vowed to follow Him wherever He went, Jesus replied with, “Foxes have holes and birds of the air have nests, but the Son of Man has nowhere to lay His head.” (Mt 8:20) In other words, Jesus’ example was to live wherever His Father made provision for Him. 

In fact, when He sent His disciples out to preach the gospel in other cities, He told them, “Take nothing for your journey, neither a staff, nor a bag, nor bread, nor money; and do not even have two tunics!" (Luke 9:3) So, the twelve set out without even a change of clothes!! 

Jesus relied totally on His Father to provide all of His needs, and His disciples learned that powerful principle as well. In spite of their lack of material preparedness, they returned from their journeys strengthened in spirit, rejoicing in all the miracles they had wrought and witnessed while preaching the gospel. They returned to Jesus with wealth in so much more than material things. Not riches of money, food or clothing, but spiritual wealth of faith, hope, trust and moving in the power of God!! Andrew & Peter got way more than they bargained for when they asked their simple question! 

When Jesus invites us to ‘come and see’, we too, had better be prepared to immerse ourselves in a place our flesh has never been! “Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, nor have entered into the heart of man the things which God has prepared for those who love Him.” (1 Cor 2:9)

Think about your ‘come and see’ moments! How has the Lord changed your perspective about what is truly important in life? What gifts of the spiritual kind has He showered upon you? How has your faith increased, knowing that He will certainly supply you with all that you need? To God be the glory! It makes me want to praise Him just thinking about it! 

Like Jesus, let’s welcome others to come and see where we live; in the goodness, mercy and grace of our Lord! Let’s practice with each other, as the disciples must have done on their journey, being more intentional about living, trusting and rejoicing in the presence and provision of God! 

We are never bored in the Lord! 

With love, your sister Celeste