“Their responsibility is to equip God’s people to do His work and build up the church, the body of christ.” - Ephesians 4:12


Welcome from Pastor Alfonso Galvano

"I’m so glad you are considering deepening your ministry. Here at Hope Christian Fellowship Ministry we are concerned about helping others fulfill the call of God upon their lives. As you consider taking this one year program, please know we want you to succeed so you can minister properly to people saved and unsaved. Our purpose here is to equip you so you can represent the kingdom of God without shame. Not all are called and even less are chosen. However, if you believe that God is calling you, we welcome you to step into this one year investment of your life to change the lives of others. God Bless you in this endeavor. Sincerely for the cause of the kingdom."


  • This program will approximately be 1 year
  • Orientation
  • Understanding your office
  • Biblical Studies & Spiritual Disciplines
  • Pastoral Care
  • Leadership
  • Evaluation by Pastoral Staff

Certificate Types


Pastor - A man called by God and filled with the Holy Spirit to shepherd God’s flock. Gifted in preaching and teaching, biblical counseling, discerning errors and false teachings. Consistently demonstrating Christlikeness as an example to follow for the flock of God.

Elder - A man called by God and filled with the Holy Spirit to assist the Pastor in shepherding God’s flock. Gifted in preaching and teaching, biblical counseling, discerning errors and false teachings. Consistently demonstrating Christlikeness as an example to follow for the flock of God.

Evangelist - One gifted to communicate the gospel message no matter location, circumstance, or hinderance. Assists in equipping the church to do the work of evangelism with one’s sphere of influence and beyond one’s natural comforts.

Ministry Certificate

Teacher - Gifted to communicate the truths of scripture. Willing and able to teach when called upon by the church.

Minister - One able to effectively communicate the gospel in teaching or preaching. Ready to serve pastoral staff and eldership as the needs arise. In a variety of capacities.

Deacon - One filled with God’s Spirit with a heart and a passion to serve the local body. Understands and is willing to pay the cost to serve others in the church.

SIGN UP FOR 2026!!!

2025 Class is full. We are accepting inquiries & applications for 2026.

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