Pastor Curtis Little II
College & Career Director
Ages: 18-25
- Study and grow in understanding of Scripture
- Fellowship and build godly relationships
- Support and hold one another up and accountable in their walk of faith.
- We will have small group meetings weekly for 4 weeks every other month starting in March.
- Planned outing/activity every other month opposite of months we have small groups.
- Primarily but not limited too; in the home of one of the core leaders.
- May also choose a coffee shop, restaurant, park, etc. as long as the space is conductive for all aspects of the small group agenda to function.
March: Lesson: ABCD Study
- The Bible
- Jesus The Christ
- The Holy Spirit
- Review
May: Lesson: ABCD Study cont.
- Sin and the conflict within
- Heaven & Hell
- Water Baptism
- Review
July: Lesson: ABCD Study cont.
- The Christian Home
- Giving
- Prayer, Praise & Worship
- Review
September: A Godly Attraction
- Who should I be attracted to?
- How should I be attractive?
- How should I view sex?
- Review
November: Religion or Relationship
- Orthodoxy (Right Beliefs)
- Orthopathy (Right Thinking)
- Orthopraxy (Right Conduct)
- Review
Outing/Activity Months:
- April ~ Bowling @ Radio Social
- June ~ Hershey Park @ Hershey, Pennsylvania
- August ~ Drive-In Movie @ Charcoal Corral
- October ~ Axe Throwing @ Lazertron
- December ~ Syracuse Basketball Game @ Carrier Dome