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Good Morning Married Couples

We started a little series last week about keeping your marriage strong and avoiding affairs  outside your marriage----and by the way, having an adulterous affair is a SIN. I know what social media says, but we are not into taking the counsel of the world and idiots.

I share with you a few more points in keeping away from affairs:

#4-Do not share personal struggles with someone you are not married to.

When you are caught up in an emotional struggle it becomes easy to talk to just about anyone who will listen. Please do not do that. It brings more harm than any good. Speak to your spouse. If that becomes impossible to do, find someone of the same sex, I say again of the same sex that you can trust. Keep family out of it. A Pastor or a couple you can truly trust to  take it to the grave with them. The people you talk to are crucial in your healing and restoration of your marriage.

#5-Show appreciation to your spouse regularly.

Let your spouse know you appreciate all they do for you, your family, the house, etc. A simple thank you goes a long way, said with truth in your eyes.

#6-Know and meet the needs of your spouse.

This marriage thing is not only about you!! Your spouse has needs, are you meeting them? If not, you will know it. If you don't know what the needs are, sit down with them and ask. Nothing wrong with asking. Now you are not guessing, hoping you hit the right one. Don't ever let selfishness take over your life, you will regret it and bring division in your marriage.

#7-Come into agreement on what types of behaviors are/aren't acceptable.

How one behaves in marriage is vital. Disagreements in any area will cause heartbreak and ultimately division. You are ONE with your spouse, and any division will bring someone to  walk away from the marriage.

***All these tips must be brought under the microscope of God's Word. If you choose not to, you will live like an unsaved couple and begin to compromise all your ways. Finally you will make your own rule and leave God totally out of it.

Marriage is precious, do all you can do to keep it strong! It is your responsibility!! Don't take it lightly. Do your best and God will add his blessing over it.

Much love,

Pastor G