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Good Saturday morning Church family,

This is the week. Did you forget? It's Valentine's day on Wednesday. By the way, we do  have Connect groups this Wednesday.

I love what 1 John 4:19 says---"We love Him, because he first loved us."

God is always first in everything. He takes the initiative. He shows us the way to go. 

If you would make some time and stream the message on "Be Salt" January 28th, we spoke on "Love". Love is the basic foundation of all of Christianity.

If you really want to understand how to love others you need to understand how much God loves you. When you feel God's unconditional love, then you will be able to love others. We did not deserve His love, what God looked beyond our messes and loved us anyway. Our old nation says, hurt, complain, get angry, put others down, but now that we are in our new nation, that new spirit within us says LOVE ONE ANOTHER, give people a break, some slack, a little more grace.

Now, here is a little thought for you to hold on to tightly---You cannot give to others what you have not received yourself. 

Unlovely people are unloved people.

Hurt people hurt people. Those kinds of people are unable to love God's way.

Learn to receive God's love first and then you will be able to love others.

"You will have an easier time loving other people when you have God's love flowing through you first."

Much love to ya all,

Pastor G

For tomorrow and next week read Daniel 3. Powerful story with revelational truths that will change your life.