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Great Saturday morning to you all,

Many of our men are with Pastor White at his church having breakfast while you are reading this.

So, if you reading this you are not with us. 

A question to ponder this day---When you do not understand who do you go to? As a child, we would obviously go to mom or dad, or someone we trusted.

Prov. 3:5 tells us "trust in the Lord, with all your heart, and do not lean on your understanding." 

Our understanding is very limited. We only know what we know. God knows our present and future.

A lot of things happen to us that often we do not understand or make any sense. 

***Yet, know this TRUTH: God understands and knows what is best. 

Now, as children of God, we operate by "faith'. Now, faith means that we obey and trust God even when you may not understand.

These past 2 weeks, we here at HOPE have had 5 deaths of people who had been related to family members here at the church. 4 out of the 5 were untimely and didn't make much sense to me or the family of those who passed.

So, what do we do, what can we do? Well, there are a few options-- you can be angry and shout out---It is not fair, why did this happen? That list can go on and on. You can also totally turn it over to God---trust in He, and NOT your understanding. The pain is still there and God also can comfort us in times like this, even if it does make any sense to us.

This world has so many ins and outs, that it will make your head spin if you let it.

So, you make the choice to trust totally in the God who loves us and has our best interest at heart, or be so saddened that you will have a hard time even getting out of bed.

The "DASH" between our beginning and end of life is rather short, so let's live it to its fullest in a manner that honors God and is a testimony to others.

YES!!!!, I will trust in God, even when I don't understand it completely, knowing He does.

Much love,

Pastor G

Read again Luke 15:11-24 as we continue in part 2 of "Recovering from Bad Decisions"

DON'T FORGET--- Turn your clocks FORWARD tonight before bedtime.