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Good Saturday morning,

We started our new Connect Groups last Wednesday night. If you haven't joined with one, come on this Wednesday night and CONNECT.

A little thought for us today is this--- 

---There is really no reason to worry in life because God knows the end of my (your) story.

Read James 5:11 and if possible read it in the "MESSAGE" version.

Have you ever said--I can't wait until everything goes back to normal?"

But what if normal never returns? 

Well, I believe the answer is rather simple. First of all, never put your trust in the government to make things right. Don't trust in the media, celebrities and your superstar sports figures. They have little to NO clue --- instead, our trust is in the Lord. But WHY?

Because He and He alone knows the end of your story. We don't need to know it, because He does. He holds the future in the palm of His hands.

Now, if you cannot believe that, here is my advice to you---Continue to worry about your life and future.

Let me give you a Biblical example--The life of JOB. Read it!!!

Imagine being Job and your world fell apart as did his. He did not know what tomorrow held for him. He had no idea God would restore things to him in the end---but God did, plus more. One thing Job did was--He trusted God.

God worked out every detail in Job's life for his benefit, and He will do the same for you and me--Just TRUST Him.

Repeatedly God says to us in scripture that He will reward us for our FAITH in Him.

James says in 1:12 "Happy are those who remain faithful under trials, because when they succeed in passing the test, they will receive their reward, the life which God has promised to work everything out for good."

I am landing the plane---- 

    ---No matter what you are going through right now, God promises to work everything for your good. That will be something you either believe or you don't. 

I choose to believe Him and that causes me to stay faithful to Him.

Much love, 

Pastor G

***Read 1 Cor. 1:26-29